Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Mark your calendar!

Roma Tomatoes
I've been working hard in my gardens, well, not that hard.  I weed once a week and I make sure they're watered each day, but with all the rain that's been pretty easy to manage.  I'm getting a few little blossoms on some of my plants which is getting me excited for summer produce.  Strawberries are in season right now and I'm excited for next week when Gervasi's  farmers market opens!  It's Wednesday from 4-7.  Get there early because stuff goes fast!  I was disappointed to learn that my favorite farm, Breezy Hill, is no longer going to be participating! They're going to continue to have pick up orders at Hazel's Artisan bakery, but I lied shopping at their booth.  It just felt more authentic then placing an order online and picking  it up in a store.  I understand why they're not doing it, they want to have a summer outside of work too, which is the downside of small, local, growers, but a small price to pay for healthier, fresher food.

The Canton Farmers Market is the following Saturday, and I'm looking forward to check them out again too since its been awhile since I've been to that one. 

As much as I complained last post about my local farmers markets, I have to at least be grateful that there are some close to me where I can take my kids and they can meet real farmers, who live in our community and grow real food.
The Lone Banana Pepper

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