Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Turbo Post

Super fast post today!  Summer is winding down and I'm squeezing in every last bit of fun I can make my kids have.  Monday we DID end up going to Beech Creek Butterfly House!  LOVED IT!  All the kids had fun, which is very rare.  Caden even said he had fun, which is even more rare--
having fun and ADMITTING it!  Highly recommend it!

The next three days are Zoo Camp at the Akron Zoo.  Checked out Grizzly Ridge--very cool!  Had a mom playdate there yesterday while the big kids took turns at zoo camp and all ages enjoyed it.  If you haven't been to check it out yet, go, but be forwarned--it's not the same slow zoo!  MUCH busier!

OK, heading back out the door to pick Caden up at zoo camp after running home after Ellie's camp to get her to art class.  Is it time for school to start yet?

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