Friday, June 21, 2013

Welcome Summer!

I'm still alive!  I know you were probably starting to wonder  since its been so long since I posted.  I didn't think my relaxing summer of no school, no lunch packing, no early mornings would be so busy!? We've been doing a lot at the North Canton Library, mostly programs, sadly, not as much reading as I would like.  I had planned to spend the summer at the pool, but when it's cloudy and 78, it's not really pool weather.  So we've been inside a lot.  I just put my laundry out on the outside dryer for the first time in a week!  It's been so rainy I've been drying inside.  As Vince says, "But it's summer!!!"  I agree, little man!  Since today is officially he first day of summer the weather seems to be willing to cooperate.  FINALLY it's warm!  

Baby Pepper
Baby Roma Tomatoes
The raised  bed with my squash and corn
My gardens are doing well at least!  The rain has been a friend to them, if not us.  I have little blossoms on my squash plants and even more little green tomatoes, a few little tiny peppers and even the beginnings of green beans!  I'm excited to see how everything does now that I realize I squashed too much in a small space.  Last year I had some extra room and this year I didn't want to waste any room.  I didn't and now it's hard to hoe because everything is so close together!  

Look at all that green!  Hope it all produces!
I realize here's not really one coherent thought in this post, but that's about how my summer has been going!  I'm going to repost the link to EWGs Sunscreen database.  Now that the weather is finally warm, check it out before you pick up your next bottle of sunscreen. 

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