Thursday, July 11, 2013

Grizzly Ridge: Coming July 20th

Next week the Akron Zoo will open it's newest exhibit: Grizzly Ridge.  As you may have guessed from past posts, I'm a big fan of the Akron Zoo.  It's close, it's small and it's got great programs for kids.    Since we almost qualify for a group discount when out whole family goes to the zoo, it's more economical for us to get the zoo membership.  With that membership it the zoo newsletter, ZooTales.  This issue's focus was on Grizzly Ridge, but not just about the animals that will be featured (they have a really cool back-story on each animal that will be there.  (Sorry, Evan, none were found on dead litter mates.)) but also about the design of the exhibit itself.  The Akron zoo is working to make Grizzly Ridge LEED certified (like their other exhibit building, Komodo Kingdom.)  LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design and it is a "distinction given to projects and buildings that exhibit the highest standards of sustainability and energy efficiency" according to ZooTales.  How will they do that?

Using locally made products or reclaimed stone from past projects and using LED lighting.

Bio-Retention basin- will use soil, sand and native plants to filter rain water, preventing polluntion and reducing run-off.

Rain Barrels- collect runoff from rooftops which can then be used to water plants at the zoo.  (I've been wanting a rain barrel for awhile, but haven't gotten my act together to get one.)

Previous pavement--This is so cool!  This pavement is porous, which allows the water to soak through it, instead of running off it, and removes pollutants as it filters down which protects the groundwater.

Green Roof- This is my favorite!  Instead of a traditional roof, they're covering the roof (of the bear building) with plants!  This helps control the temperature of the building as well as absorbing rain water, which in turn decreases runoff.  Cool, right?!?!

I'm really excited to visit!  FYI, the animals that will be featured in the exhibit are Grizzly Bears (shocking!) North American River Otters, American Bald Eagles, Red Wolves, Coyotes and an aviary.

Here's a video I found on the Zoo's site about their sustainability efforts.

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