Monday, February 6, 2012

Public Toilet Seats

I was talking to some moms the other day and the topic of public toilets came up. We were talking about putting down toilet paper, but toilet seat covers for kids, that are extra big so they cover what kids touch when they're holding on and one mom even told me about some toilets that she's seen in airports that have an automatic toilet seat cover that refreshes after each user. I found this all interesting. I was raised to put toilet paper on the seat before I sit on it. I was taught to always flush with my foot. I was even taught to use a paper towel to turn on and off the sink and open the door with my elbow (hook your arm through the loop. My mother didn't actually teach me how to turn a door knob with my elbow!) So as an adult, I only still do a few of these things. Covering the toilet seat is NOT one of them. As I've grown up, I've read NUMEROUS articles and seen many programs and facts about the "dirtiness" of toilet seats. They're not that bad. There are germs everywhere or course, but surprisingly, toilet seats aren't really as germy as you'd think. So I did a little research online today just to back up my thinking and (my husband won't be surprised by this..) I'm right! I didnt' find one article that talked about the hazards of toilet seats. NOW, that said, there are hazards in public bathrooms, but the seat is actually one of the cleaner places. The flusher is pretty gross as are the sink handles. Think about the process...what actually touches the toilet seat is actually a pretty clean part of's covered up almost all the time. Now your hands on the other hand...they're pretty germy. Whatever yours or other's hands touch in the bathroom is where the REAL germs lurk. SO, I'm going to continue my routine of sitting flushing with my foot and using a paper towel, or my covered arm, to turn on and off the faucet (one study I read said that the faucet is 400 times dirtier than the toilet seat!). Also, randomly, I found an article comparing the cleanliness of public toilet seats to "chip and pin pads" (I know, I was lots too, another British term we don't use...they mean ATM machines!) You'll never guess which came out dirtier...

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