Thursday, August 16, 2012

On My Soapbox Again (pun intended)

Yesterday Evan sent me an upsetting article about Johnson & Johnson products.  The brand of baby wash and lotion that was used and sent home with me from the hospital.  The products that, to me, have always been "The Scent" of baby.  They always seemed like an established brand that I could trust.  (Disclaimer, I don't actually use J &J products on my kids.  I found part this research a long time ago and haven't used it with my last two infants.)  So what's the article about, you ask?  It's titled, "J&J to Remove Harsh Chemicals From Baby Products." 
They said that by the end of 2013 all their baby products will be reformulated with safer ingredients as will their adult products by the end of 2015.  It's only been asked for 3 years, by 175 non-profit groups, representing 1.7 million members to remove cancer-causing ingredients in products it markets to babies, who we know from my blog about organic cotton, have 5 times thinner skin that absorbs more of the harmful chemicals that it comes into contact with than adult skin. 

Well, good for you J&J!  Way to make progress and become "greener!"  It's great to see you jumping on the bandwagon! This makes me SO MAD!  This article is all about how great they're being, moving in the "right direction" by removing FORMALDEHYDE from their baby products! It's formaldehyde!  I think we can all agree that the same chemical used to preserve dead bodies probably ISN'T safe to put in products that are intended to be used on living humans, newborns none the less!  I looked up Johnson & Johnson Baby Wash on the Environmental Working Groups Cosmetic Database and the scores ranged from a 4 to an 8--none of which are in the green, safe, range.  Here's my question: WHY  WHERE YOU USING HARSH CHEMICALS IN YOUR BABY PRODUCTS IN THE FIRST PLACE?!?!?!   You're supposed to be a brand that parents can trust. Congratulations, Johnson & Johnson you just made MY Hall of Shame. 
Baby Vince enjoying a chemical-free bath.

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