Wednesday, April 8, 2015

I Read A New Book!

This is going to be a quick post about a new book I read about living green.  The book was All Natural: A Skeptic's Quest to Discover if the Natural Approach to Diet, Childbirth, Healing and the Environment is Really Keeps Us Healthier and Happier by Nathanael Johnson.  I REALLY enjoyed this book, although it was a lot of repeating of what I've read before.  I loved the style of this one though because although it presented lots of really good info, his tone was
very factual, not at all persuasive. It's hard to find a book on this topic that doesn't come across as "this is what you should be doing" and make the reader feel inferior for making different choices.

The short of it is that Johnson was raised by hippie parents, but was always a little skeptical about his parents ideals.  As an adult he researched the topics listed in the title to see if the natural approach was always better.  It made me feel good to read it, as books like this always do, because I feel like I'm DOING something to educate myself about living a greener life and keeping myself motivated to continue striving to live as green as I can.  It's at the NCPL--check it out!

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