While shopping the the natural food section of Giant Eagle yesterday (with zero kids, so I had time to actually LOOK at what was on the shelves!) I found an interesting prepackaged product called gopicnic. They're natural, shelf-stable, prepackaged meals containing products from other natural brands. They looked interesting and I was about to buy a few to send with the big kids for lunch, when I looked at the amount of food you get and the price ($4.99). I then decided to buy one, try it with Vince and see how it goes.
I decided on the Peanut Butter and Crackers "A balanced meal featuring Peanut Butter & Co. Natural Peanut Butter,
Partners Get Movin' Honey Wheat Crackers, Sweet Perry Orchards
Unsweetened Applesauce, Annie's Homegrown Cheddar Bunny Crackers and
Professor Zim Zam's All-Natural Jelly Jets. All-Natural." These are all foods that all my kids will eat, but I just didn't feel like it was a balanced enough meal to send JUST that to school with Caden or Ellie. So to buy that, then add additional food it just wasn't worth the $4.99. BUT they look pretty good for those special occasion lunches, when we're going to be on the go and I need to pack something that's fast and easy (like a day trip). They also look like they may be enough food for just Vince as a whole meal. I checked out the website and it looks like they have some other varieties that Giant Eagle didn't carry, like Tuna+Crackers and Salmon+Crackers.
You can shop directly from the site if you want to check it out yourself. I'm going to try the lunch we got tomorrow, when the big kids don't have the day off. I'll let you know how it goes.
*Disclaimer--I know this isn't really very green since it's a lot of packaging. I'm not suggesting that these are a great option, I just like to see that this IS an option, rather than Lunchables which are loaded with who-knows- what and served with sugar and food coloring water and candy.
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