Monday, March 31, 2014

DIY Gardening

WOW!  I've been getting lots of txts and emails about blog topics and so I'm going to use a few today, since I've been out running errands and am short on time.  First, I got a forward from a friend of my mom's about DIY gardening--specifially compost bins and potato towers.  Here are the links.  I really like the potato tower idea.  She basically piles three tires on top of each other so she doesn't have to dig way down in the dirt when it's time to harvest--creative, right?

This one is for a Multi-Bin Composter.  I tried my hand at composting a few years ago when we had the two big dogs--it became like slopping the pigs.  I'd dump the kitchen waste and the next thing I know they're out there dining on watermelon rinds--it didn't work.  The second time I tried, I can't really tell if I failed or succeeded.  My mom gave me a garbage can with a lid and the bottom cut off. The idea was to throw compostable items in the top, allow it to break down and wheel the can away and voila! fertile soil.  I started it last summer and since the bottomless trash can was a *little* hard to transport, it's still sitting in my old garden.  This idea is to use pallets to create a compost bin that will keep dogs out.

The last item is a DIY chicken coop.  I think I can say I've given up the idea of keeping chickens, but it's still something I'm interested in---so if it's something that interests you, here's the link for that as well.

OK, off to the next thing--still catching up from spring break!

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