Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wash Day

This title is kind of silly since EVERYDAY is wash day for me, but I was digging out my Easter decorations over the weekend and found a Christmas gift that I had stored until the weather got clothesline! I was JUST thinking the other day how I needed to get the diapers outside in the sun to bleach them a little and then I remembered about my clothesline! I know that as soon as I finally get the thing up outside it will either rain the next day or the weather will go back to being all gross and Ohioy, but maybe I can at least get a few days out of it.

Speaking of the nice weather, I was out running errands with the little kids Monday and almost drove over the the nursery to get some seeds or plants to put in the vegetable garden...then I realized it's only mid-March. I'm still a novice about gardening, so I'm not sure what the rules are when the weather turns warm so early. I got my email from Breezy Hill Farm (that does the organic produce that can be picked up at Hazel Artisan Bakery) and he mentioned how detrimental it will be to the fruit plants and trees if we get a frost now that they've all bloomed so early. Guess I should probably wait on my plantings.

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