Wednesday, March 7, 2012


As you can tell from my lack of blogging lately, I'm starting to lose a handle on things a little. I now have 3 kids in swimming and gymnastics, 2 in school, and one in dance, plus working and cleaning and household things...with this little one "sucking the life out of me" I'm having a hard time keeping up. So that's why I thought I'd look into Method products. I've been on the look-out for a good brand of green products that I can trust and I think I've found them. And the best part about Method products is, they're ACCESSIBLE!!! Giant Eagle carries them, Target carries them, I don't have to make a special trip out to get dish-soap. I've seen Method on the shelves for awhile, and I honestly thought that because they WERE sold at these kinds of stores, they probably WEREN'T that great, kind of like Clorox's GreenWorks line. But after doing some research online, not only are do Method's products look good, the company looks pretty green. All of their packaging is recycled, and designed to reduce waste. I LOVE that I can buy a bag of laundry detergent to refill my pump bottle of Method laundry detergent! It's also SUPER concentrated so I don't use as much! I also found that the company itself has a green agenda, buying energy credits to offset the energy that is produced from producing their products. Another thing that I like about Method is that, although I try to stay fragrance-free for most things because I feel like adding fragrance is just adding unnecessary chemicals to my products, Method's products smell really good! I've had lots of compliments on my Waterfall-scented hand soap. Also a bonus of Method products---price! I'm not saying they're the cheapest thing on the shelf, but they're not as expensive as some of the other green products, like Seventh Generation (also a great brand, but not as easy to find) or ECover (also a good brand). So hopefully my new friends and I can help conquer the dirt and grim that is my house in a fast and green way to leave me more time for the things I enjoy, running kids places, running errands and hopefully, sleeping!

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