Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Raised Bed: Step One Complete!

For months now I've been talking about the raised bed I'm going to get.  I know you think it's probably just a hippie imaginary friend, but yesterday Mike-From-The-Office came over and built it!  I have pictures!  It's REAL!
Raised Bed from afar
My dad talked me into getting something smaller than I was originally thinking so that I could reach across the bed from both sides without walking in it, which was a good thought.

4X5 beds back to back to make a 4X10
I've been saving boxes to try the weed prevention method I mentioned a few blog posts ago about using newspaper or cardboard to layer under mulch or soil to prevent the existing weeds from sprouting up.
Boxes in the bottom to help kill the grass
I'm waiting today with a paint can in my driveway to mark where the truck is supposed to dump the soil.  It's coming from The Office so I'm not sure how garden-ready it will be.  I saw I soil test at Lowe's when I was there yesterday and I might get it, but I also might take my neighbor's advice and just go to Dumont's and tell them the size of my garden and just get the peat and manure and what-not that they suggest.  (You need the what-not.  All good gardens are full of what-not.)  Actually, I'd like to get worms.  Maybe that's something I can have the kids work on.  They would LOVE to dig in the flower beds and get worms to transplant into the new garden.  Will tackle worms work for that?  I'll have to Google it.  I'm getting ahead of myself.  Now I need to focus on Step Two: getting that soil back into the bed.  Then the worms and the what-not.  Then the fun part--plants!
Little Kale plants sprouting in the garden!

1 comment:

  1. I just Googled the thing about the worms and it looks like if I add good organic matter, the worms will come. So I guess I just need the what-not and I can skip the worms. I'll still let the kids dig for them though. They'll LOVE that!
