Thursday, September 29, 2011

Happy New Year!

Today is Rosh Hashanah! Until a few years ago this was just a day in fine print on my calendar that I never really paid attention to, but after two kids in a Jewish Preschool, I now know a little about the holiday. Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year, similar to January 1st in that it's a time to reflect on the past year and make resolutions for the coming year. I thought this would be a good day for me to look back on my past year and think about some resolutions I can make.

First, I've been SUPER busy lately, which has given me a different perspective on what it means go live green. In my rush to get everyone to their activities, and me to mine, as well as work and doing all my "mom job" tasks, I've lost the focus I used to have on the importance of doing the things I've been doing to stay green and healthy.

  • I've started eating a lot more junk, because it's fast. I resolve to stop eating junk.
  • I've stopped going to the Y to exercise because I've been so busy. I resolve to make time to exercise.
  • I've been making a lot of quick meals for my kids because I feel rushed. I resolve to put my kids' nutrition first and make sure they're eating truly healthy food (I'm going to start making my smoothies in the AM).
  • I've been wavering about doing the FOK diet. I resolve to make a plan to either do it or not do it but get off the fence either way!

There are about a million other things I should be doing, but I'm just going to start with those. I realize those are all pretty much just healthy things, not so green, but I feel like THAT's what's most important to me so that's where I'm going to start.

So make some resolutions of your own, sound your shofar, and dip some apples in honey and have a sweet New Year!

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