I am now officially a Mom Ambassador Blogger. I was already a Kiwi Magazine Mom Ambassador, which is why I was doing the mom's meet groups, but now I've applied and been accepted to be a Mom Ambassador Blogger. It's kind of the same thing, except when I apply for the products, they just ship them to me, I try them, then I review them on my blog...much easier than trying to get everyone together to try them...although if I already had a mom's group that met regularly... So I'm excited. I'm glad I'll be able to keep this thing interesting for you readers with new products. They said they want us to be honest in our reviews, which I'm excited about too. I'll be able to really do some research and make sure that if I say I recommend it, it's really a product I believe in. (Since I know you all hold so much stock in what I say!)
I'm writing this blog procrastinating going to the Humane Society to drop off the food I bought. I REALLY don't want to go, but it's so important to me to donate to the Humane. (Is this a term people other than my mother use? We got a cat and kittens when I was young from the Humane society and I named her Sumane, because we got her at the Sumane Society.) So I'm going to go so dogs giving me pathetic looks, and listen to all that barking and see poor cats that are curled up in their litter boxes...and I WILL NOT bring home another animal! My fat Rott with the thyroid problem just cost me $200 at the vet on Monday...I need to remember this when I'm looking at that sad face of the dog that REALLY wants me to bring him home!
This sounds like fun!