Thursday, December 15, 2011

New School Policy

I got some info from my son's school the other day about a new policy they are going to be implementing. I'm really excited about it, but I'm interested to hear feedback from what other's think. In an effort to promote healthy living, they are going to be doing more physical activities (like their walking club) but the major part is that they're "banning" junk from school. If you child is going to bring in a special treat, it can't be junk food. They 're no longer allowing candy to be used as rewards in the classroom and if you're going to eat lunch with your child you are not allowed to bring fast food in for them to eat.

I think it's great. It's king of sad that they won't be able to do projects like they did today, when they made gingerbread houses, but I don't really think it's that much of a sacrifice. They probably wouldn't have been able to do them anyway if they were a nut free school, like every other building is. I was really surprised to see that info coming home. I think it shows that people are so much more aware of what they eat and are taking measures to help our kids learn about healthy food choices. Way to go Plain Local!

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